Ominous and ruthless Shan Yu forces his way onto the battlefield, damaging those who oppose him with arrows and his sword.
"Nice work, gentlemen. You found the Hun army."
Specify number or math expression, e.g. x*1.2
Shan Yu calls in a volley of arrows, dealing 280k + 2.7sp damage to all enemies and an extra 395k + 4.5sp damage to all enemies with a shield.
Shan Yu also gains 200 energy each time an enemy receives a shield.
Shan Yu's falcon, Hayabusa, flies overhead and studies an enemy every 7 seconds. Every 4 seconds, Hayabusa dives at the target with the most HP, dealing 215k + 2.9sp damage.
Shan Yu swipes at the closest enemy in a rage, dealing 280k + 3.5bd damage and stunning them for 11 seconds. Enemies with a shield are instead stunned for 18 seconds.
When Shan Yu reaches 50% of his max HP, his tenacity is increased by 50 and his basic damage is increased by 190k + 1sp for the rest of the wave.
Tenacity reduces the duration of disables against this hero.
When Shan Yu activates "Always In Command", his attack speed is also increased by 50% for 9 seconds.
Hayabusa now prefers to target enemies with shields with "Fierce Falcon", dealing an additional 285k + 2.8sp damage over 5 seconds to the enemy.
Stack the Cards
Longer Studies
Rocky Alliance
"Volley of Arrows" Silences Shielded Enemies
Wake The Dead