Megavolt harnesses the power of electricity to shock his enemies.
"They called me crazy! They called me insane! They called me looney! And, boy, were they right."
Specify number or math expression, e.g. x*1.2
被動:耐歌伏特的基本攻擊會對敵人施放 4 層「充電」堆疊,敵人每多一層「充電」堆疊就降低 5% 移動速度。
主動:耐歌伏特用掉所有「充電」堆疊,讓電能在敵人之間彈跳,用掉的堆疊數等於受到影響的敵人數。電能每彈跳一次就造成 80k+1.1sp 傷害。
Megavolt unleashes a blast of electricity, dealing 150k + 1.6sp damage to all enemies and applying 3 stacks of "Charged" to enemies damaged.
Megavolt fires an arc of lightning at the enemy with the most energy, stunning them for 7 seconds and dealing 300k + 1.3sp damage.
If the target of this skill has more than 500 energy, they are instead stunned for 9 seconds and dealt 430k + 1.8sp damage.
Megavolt constantly shocks nearby enemies, dealing 70k + 0.4sp per second to them. Each stack of "Charged" increases the damage taken from this skill by 15% up to a max of 200% more damage.
耐歌伏特每隔 3 秒就對遭「Shock Absorber」傷害的敵人施放 2 層「充電」堆疊。
當敵人的「充電」堆疊多達 5 層時,會遭到擊暈 5 秒並受到 205k 傷害。
面對等級高於 <level> 的敵人時,擊暈有一定機率失敗。
High-Voltage Villainy
Tank Enemy Countermeasures
Pawsome Puncher
Shorter Enemy Disables
Live Wire
Failure To Launch