A hero whose compassion is equal to his strength, Hercules is a true force to reckon with.
"A true hero. Great! Uh, exactly how do you become a true hero?"
Specify number or math expression, e.g. x*1.2
Hercules appeals for aid from his father, Zeus, healing himself for 300k + 3sp HP and becoming invincible for 8 seconds.
Hercules bends his sword and throws it like a boomerang, dealing 212.k + 0.75sp damage and knocking back enemies. It then travels back to Hercules, dealing 150k + 0.5sp damage and stunning enemies for 2 seconds.
Hercules bashes the closest enemy with the pommel of his sword, dealing 240k + 0.9bd damage and stunning them for 8 seconds.
Every time that Hercules uses "True Hero" his Max HP is increased by 200k + 1sp HP for the rest of the wave.
Allies gain 15% of Hercules' max HP as armor.
While Hercules' or allies are Invincible they are also Energized. Allies Energized by Hercules gain 80 extra energy each time they basic attack.
The Energized buff has a chance to fail on allies above level <level>.
Additional Stat Boosts:
Victory Urned
"What Goes Around" Stuns Longer
Going for Gold
"True Hero" Invincibilty to Tanks
Rewrite History
Hero's Mask
Bonus Energy Per Basic Attack
Heal When Stunned
Extra Armor