Jasmine fights enemies with her trusty pole and faithful friend Rajah.
"Unhand him! By order of the princess."
Specify number or math expression, e.g. x*1.2
Passive: Rajah enters the battle alongside Jasmine with 600k + 4sp HP and deals 0.8bd+.4sp with each basic attack.
Active: The player chooses an enemy for Rajah to pounce on, damaging them for 400k + 3sp damage and stunning them for 10 seconds. While on auto, Rajah will choose the closest enemy to Jasmine. This will resummon Rajah at full HP if he has been KO'd in battle.
Jasmine jumps forward to the closest enemy, damaging them for 370k+2.64sp damage and knocking them back. Jasmine then jumps back to her original position.
Jasmine swirls her staff around, stealing 350 energy from the enemy with the most energy.
The amount of energy stolen is reduced against enemies above level <level>.
Rajah's max HP is increased by 800k + 8sp.
Each wave, Jasmine blocks the first 3 disables. Rajah can not take more than 20% of his max HP as damage in a single attack.
The damage blocked by Rajah is less effective above level <level>.
Additional Stat Boosts:
Ready to Ride
Gain Attack Speed After "Tiger Strike"
Market Adventure
Duplicate Energy Stolen by "Energy Vortex" to Allies
Princess Practicum
Stony Disposition
Reduce Enemy Energy Gain
Longer Buffs
Heal When Stunned