Surprisingly supportive despite having no bones, Olaf proves some people are worth melting for... even when they're made out of snow!
"Hi, everyone! I'm Olaf, and I like warm hugs!"
Specify number or math expression, e.g. x*1.2
Olaf forms a small blizzard around himself, freezing nearby enemies for 8 seconds while healing himself for 1000k + 20sp HP.
Olaf dodges a melee attack and releases a frost cloud that freezes and damages enemies for 1400k+14sp damage over 7 seconds.
Olaf can only dodge an attack every 7 seconds.
Once per wave, when Olaf is reduced to 0 HP, he gains 500 energy and heals 1100k + 11sp HP.
After enemies are frozen by any source, their movement and attack speed is slowed by 85% for 8 seconds.
This has a chance to fail against frozen enemies that are above level <level>.
Olaf heals 500k + 5sp per second per Frozen enemy.
When Olaf is healed by himself or allies, he also heals the ally with the least HP for 75% of the healing he is receiving.
The heal on the ally with the least HP is less effective on allies above level <level>.
Additional Stat Boosts:
Tool of the Trade
Evade Debuffs
Really Cool Shades
Freezing Twice Does Big Damage
Snow Day
Cold Comfort
Bursting with Happiness
Frozen Treasure
Heal from Freezes
Extra Healing
Extra Armor