Randall Boggs uses his invisibility to sneak up and scare enemies.
"If I don't see another door in my station in five seconds, I will personally put you through the shredder!"
Specify number or math expression, e.g. x*1.2
The player chooses an enemy, then Randall becomes invisible and crawls to that enemy. He then becomes visible, scaring nearby enemies for 10 seconds and striking the chosen target twice, dealing 153k + 2.7sp damage.
While on auto, Randall chooses the enemy with the most HP.
Randall begins each wave camouflaged, becoming invisible for the first 8 seconds of each wave, receiving 50% less damage, and has a 50% chance to dodge disables while invisible.
While invisible, Randall is untargetable. The damage reduction while invisible is less effective when damaged by enemies level <level> or above.
Randall dodges a melee attack and counter attacks, dealing 148.875k + 2.828bd damage. Randall can only dodge an attack once every 8 seconds. When Randall's HP is below 65% of his max HP, this cooldown is instead 4 seconds.
Once per wave, when Randall reaches 0 HP, he revives and heals himself for 328k +3.1sp HP. After reviving, Randall becomes invisible for 9 seconds. Randall also deals 200% more damage to scared enemies.
While invisible, Randall's attack and movement speed are increased by 30%.
When Randall takes more than 25% of his max HP as damage in a single attack, he goes invisible for 5 seconds.
Randall going invisible from attacks has a chance to fail if the attack is from an enemy above level <level>.
Transfiguration Time
True Damage on Basic Attack
Tricks of the Trade
Dodge after "Scream Selection"
A Hardhat Bet
Rocky Alliance
Perfect Clue