The fiercest horse to ever serve on the Honor Guard, Maximus is ready to uphold justice on the battlefield with his sword and keen senses.
Specify number or math expression, e.g. x*1.2
Maximus draws his sword and points it at enemies, increasing his and allies' basic damage by 175k + 1.65sp for 10 seconds and studying enemies for 8 seconds. Maximus then strikes at the closest enemy, dealing 295k + 3.35bd damage.
Maximus eats an apple and spits the core at the nearest enemy, healing himself for 995k + 9.35sp HP and dealing 245k + 4.35bd damage.
Maximus dodges a melee attack and counters, dealing 323k + 3.35bd damage and stunning nearby enemies for 12 seconds. Maximus can dodge a melee attack once every 10 seconds.
Maximus marks the enemy with the most basic damage, studying them for the remainder of the wave. Studied enemies also deal 85% less damage to Maximus.
The damage blocked is less effective against enemies above level <level>.
"Sword Swat" also grants Maximus and frontline allies 3 stack of hardy and midline and backline heroes 645k skill power that lasts 5 seconds.
Maximus and his allies receive 80% of their basic damage as reality.
The reality increase is less effective on allies above level <level>.
Scarab Special
"Sword Swat" Chance to Remove Enemy Buffs
Gift Horse
Allies Buffed When Enemies Studied
Royal Quest
Mousey Mistake
Chance to Study with Basic Attacks