A short fox with an equally short temper, Finnick fox wallops his enemies with his Jumbo Pop and a little help from his beloved van.
"Small mammal, big heart, baby."
Specify number or math expression, e.g. x*1.2
Finnick controls his trusty van remotely causing it to drive through all enemies, dealing 130k + 1.105sp damage and knocking them back.
When Finnick damages slowed enemies with his van, they are also stunned for 3 seconds.
Finnick flings Jumbo Pop goo at the nearest enemy doing 80k + 0.8sp damage to them and all nearby enemies.
Finnick smashes his Jumbo Pop sending out a shockwave that does 260k + 2.275sp damage to enemies in front of him.
Finnick gets his Jumbo Pop goo everywhere, causing his basic attacks, "Pummel Pop" and "Jumbo Slam" to also slow. Slowed enemies have their movement speed reduced by 40% and their attack speed reduced by 40% for 12 seconds.
The slow has a chance to fail against enemies higher than level <level>.
Slowed Enemies deal 20% less damage.
Whenever an ally or enemy is knocked back, Finnick gains 40k skill power. Finnick retains 80% of this skill power between waves.
The effects of this skill are 100% stronger when the slow or knockback source isn't Finnick.
The damage reduction from Finnick's slows is reduced against enemies above level <level>.
Additional Stat Boosts:
Final Hustle
Boosts ally damage vs. Slowed Enemies
Fight Clubbing
Boosts "Remote Controller" Skill
Musk Yax
Stray Stereo
Pawsome Puncher
Reduce Enemy Energy Gain
Heal When Stunned
Extra Reality