Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King of Halloween Town, is the unliving embodiment of the chills and thrills of Halloween. He attacks enemies on the field with pumpkins and presents.
"Eureka! This year, Christmas will be - OURS!"
Specify number or math expression, e.g. x*1.2
Passive: Jack sets his pumpkins aflame, making his basic attacks do Fantastic damage while dealing an additional 30k+0.3sp+0.2bd damage over 3 seconds.
Active: Jack twists his face into a horrible sight, Scaring enemies for 6 seconds and stunning them for 2 seconds.
The Scare and Stun have a chance to fail against enemies above level <level>.
Jack throws a present at the farthest enemy and a maniacal toy duck emerges, Scaring nearby enemies for 5 seconds. The duck then travels toward Jack and damages all enemies it hits for 50k+0.5sp damage each.
The Scare has a chance to fail against enemies above level <level>.
Jack engulfs himself in flames for 10 seconds, causing his basic attacks to splash, damaging multiple enemies.
The splash has a chance to fail against enemies above level <level>.
Jack and his allies heal 20k + 0.2sp HP whenever they damage a Scared enemy.
If Jack or any of his allies scare an enemy who is already scared, the enemy takes 200k+.25sp damage. Jack's basic attacks also scare enemies for 5 seconds.
The scare from Jack's basic attack has a chance to fail against enemies above level <level>.
Additional Stat Boosts:
A Lovely Brew
Better Burning
All Ducked Out
More Ducks
Dark Chocolate
Unelected Official
Extra Damage
Extra Healing
Chance to Scare and Disable
Heal When Stunned