Yzma controls enemies with her push-your-luck potions.
"Our moment of triumph approaches! Ha ha ha ha ha! It's dinner time!"
Specify number or math expression, e.g. x*1.2
伊絲瑪進入無敵狀態並開始調製魔藥,最多長達 10 秒,然後將該魔藥丟向離她最近的一群敵人,依據她調製魔藥的時間長短可造成 203k+1.4sp 至 600k+3.9sp 傷害。在伊絲瑪調製魔藥的期間,有較高機率發生反效果,魔藥當著她的面炸開,改對伊絲瑪與她身邊的敵人造成 200% 的傷害。
While not on auto, the player can end her mixing early by tapping her portrait. While on auto, Yzma will always mix the potion for 2 seconds, deal 270k+1.7sp damage, and it will never blow up in her face.
Yzma throws a potion at an enemy, turning them into a llama, stunning them for 7 seconds, and dealing 240k+2.8sp damage.
Yzma cackles, scaring enemies for 6 seconds.
面對等級高於 <level> 的敵人時,驚嚇有一定機率失敗。
Every 2 potions thrown by Yzma with her basic attack or "Push Your Luck" will either blind, curse, or stun enemies. There is a 25% chance to blind, a 35% to curse, or a 40% to stun the enemies hit for 9 seconds.
Any of these debuffs have a chance to fail against enemies above level <level>.
伊絲瑪的基本攻擊會濺射到附近的敵人,給予 368k 傷害並對他們施放「Alchemy」的任何減益效果。
面對等級高於 <level> 的敵人時,減益效果有一定機率無法濺射至敵人身上。
Vile Vial
Curse Enemies Each Wave
Bad News
Faster, Chaotic Potions
Transfiguration Time
Suitable Ploy
A Burning Idea
Scavenger Buddies